Tuesday 4 October 2011

Science Paper

Dear all,
How's the Science paper today?
Hopefully you were able to answer all the questions and had read your questions carefully.

Meanwhile, those taking Higher Mother Tongue tomorrow, all the best.

Reporting time is as usual at 7.15am. Your rooms will be at P6-4 and P6-5 classrooms for HMT CL and HMT (MT & TL) respectively.

Those not having HMT, enjoy one day off and remember to be back on Thursday to celebrate your last Children's day. Do come dresssed in the Theme " Rainbow".

See you on Thursday :))

Love you always,
Mrs Mak

Monday 3 October 2011

Science Paper tomorrow

Dear all,
Hopefully today's Mother Tongue paper is a breeze for you. It was a regret that I did not get to see the paper.

Do revise carefully the concepts and go through the tips that Mr Ho had given you on how to answer the questions. Read carefully what is required of you in the answers.

Sleep by 9pm tonight.

Love you,
Mrs Mak

Sunday 2 October 2011

Mother Tongue Paper

Dear Darlings,
How was the Maths Paper? Any tough or challenging questions? I hope you can solve at least 95% of the questions. Please post your comments.

For Mother Tongue paper, please put in equal amount of effort to do well. Remember that every subject carries the same weighting - 100%.

After the Mother Tongue Paper, please head straight home to revise your Science and look through the notes and tips that Mr Ho had given you.

Please stay away from fried food till 6 Oct. Drink water and make sure you have enough rest.
Have a restful and fruitful Sunday. Sleep by 9pm tonight.

Love you always,
Mrs Mak

Thursday 29 September 2011

Maths paper tomorrow

Dear darlings,
How's the English paper today? Please post your comments!

For tomorrow, please read carefully and bring in your CAREFUL friend. However, don't be too careful that you lose track of time and have not time to complete the questions.

For Paper 1(Booklet A and Booklet B), it is meant for you to score. I have confident that all of you will be able to score.

For Paper 2, you must watch your time too. Remember what I said? If you are stuck for a while, circle the question and move on to the next. Check your answers and workings to minimise the chances of losing marks. This paper is meant for you to score at least a 52 marks.

How do I know? Remember I can predict? Ha! Ha!
What question will come out ? I don't know the exact questions but those concepts we learnt in class sure to come out!

Please revise your Primary 5 secret as well.

Remember to sleep early and have a good nite's rest and be ready to score tomorrow.

Livia, Julius, Vanessa, Zhi Qing - I am very sure my time spent on Saturdays with you are not wasted as you will give me my "result slip" to show me how well I have done. Please give me at least an A........*. I believe I deserve it !

Calculators - stickers please ask Mr K or Mrs Lee in the hall if you still did not receive them.

Set squares, protractor, rulers pencils, erasers, highlighters must all be ready in your pencil cases.

Models - use pencils to draw.

Handwriting - Be neat and legible.

Bring in all your sharpened "tools" to showcase your skills. You know what I mean?

If you think you can't solve a question, break it down and ask yourself quietly what variables are you given? What concept are you tested on?
I am sure you can solve part of the question in worse case scenario. Complete the 30 or 18 questions in Paper 1 and Paper 2 respectively.

Visualisation questions- remember the 4 golden rules?- Label, pull out, draw lines and cover to see big and small pictures.

Go and aim at the STAR tomorrow. I want to have the excuse to buy an expensive sunglasses to wear on 24 Nov. Please give me this opportunity!

Best wishes from your loving Mrs Mak.

Wednesday 28 September 2011


Dear Darlings,
I am finally home! Very tired...

For tomorrow, please be extra vigilant in reading your composition questions and take note of how you want to develop your stories. I am very confident that Mdm Madinah had gone through with you the tips on how to write a good composition. Stay focused and develop your story to capture your readers' attention.
Good phrases will definitely enhance your content.

For tonight, please rest well and be in bed by 9pm!

Have your breakfast and make sure you are at your best condition for examination.

All the best and aim for your STAR!

I would need those girls who helped me this morning in the hall to lend your hands to Mrs Lee to paste the labels on the chairs and park the chairs like you did. Jonessa, please help.... Thanks.

Be Kind to yourselves by giving yourselves the best...

Love you always,
Mrs Mak

Thursday 15 September 2011


Dear all,

Tomorrow is your BIG DAY before your BIG BIG DAYs on 29 September.

Please be alert and listen ATTENTIVELY to the questions. As your are looking at the pictures or questions, do cast your eyes on the options as well. Some options can be very tricky, do NOT be tricked.

The narrator will repeat the script so listen to check your answer and don't rest on your laurels to think that you have given the correct answers. 20 marks is what you must aim for to get for the paper. You definitely can get as you have the gift of listening if you choose to pay attention.


Reporting time tomorrow : BY 8am

Remember your grouping : Jason, Vanessa, Braden - CL7 / EL7
                                         Jonessa to Zhi heng  - CL8 / EL 8
                                         Dina, Diyanah, Vikash - ML2 / EL 9

Exam should end ard 12.15pm. Make necessary transport arrangement.


Love you,
Mrs Mak


Friday 9 September 2011

Maths questions

Dear all,
Try out these questions on the rough papers and we will discuss them in class on Monday during Supplementary class.

1.  On Monday, there were 600 more male adults than female adults at the farm. On Tuesday, the number of male adults decreased by 10% while the number of female adults increased by 20%. There were 1170 adults altogether at the farm on Tuesday.
(a) How many male adults were there at the farm on Thursday?
(b) If each farm ticket cost $8, how much money was collected from the sale of the tickets for the two days?

2.  Mr Devran sold 160 more durian puffs than cream puffs on Wednesday. On Thursday, the number of durian puffs sold decreased by 10% while the number of cream puffs sold increased by 20%. A total of 459 durians and cream puffs were sold on Thursday.
(a) Find the number of durian puffs sold on Wednesday.
(b) If each puff was sold at $1.20, how much money did Mr Devran collect from the sale on Wednesday and Thursday?

3. Shop A sells a mobile phone for $494. This is 30% more than the price of a similar model in shop B.
(a) Find the price of the mobile phone in shop B.
(b) During a sale, both shops offered an equal percentage discount on the mobile phone. Henry bought the mobile phone in shop B and found that he paid $85.50 less than the discounted price in shop A. What was the percentage discount?

4.  Shop A sells a digital camera for $512. This is 28% more than the price of a similar camera in shopB.
(a) Find the price of the digital camera in shop B.
(b) During a sale, both shops offered an equal percentage discount on the digital camera. Mr Roger bought the digital camera in shop A and found that he could have saved $84 if he had bought the digital camera in shop B. What was the percentage discount?

Do make good use of this weekend to recharge yourselves fully before the start of the school term.
Corrections for Practice 8a, 8b and 9a, please make sure you clear them.

Have a good weekend !

Love you,
Mrs Mak